Vermont Cannabis Testing Labs

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Does Vermont License Independent Cannabis Testing Labs?

Yes. Per Title 7, Section 908(f) of the Vermont Statutes Annotated (VSA), every cannabis establishment subject to a testing requirement must have their cannabis tested by an independent cannabis testing laboratory in the state. They cannot use a licensed testing laboratory controlled or owned by them. Licensed cannabis testing laboratories in Vermont can test medical and recreational marijuana products.

The Vermont Cannabis Control Board (CCB), following the passage of H. 145 in 2023, obtained funding for a state-run cannabis testing lab. This lab will allow the CCB to conduct tests on marijuana products on behalf of the state and without relying on other independent cannabis laboratories licensed by the Board. The state-run testing lab will not be opened to the public. It will primarily perform a random sampling of marijuana products to ensure that cannabis products are safe for consumers.

Requirements for Marijuana Testing Labs in Vermont

Per Section 1.8 of the CCB Rule 1, a licensed cannabis testing lab is expected to meet the following standards:

  • Have a laboratory standard operating procedure for analyzing cannabis and marijuana products
  • Have an ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation or proof of certification under the Cannabis Quality Control Program established by the state's Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets
  • Maintain a master list of all non-analytical and analytical standard operating procedures indicating the latest revision
  • Have a laboratory quality assurance procedure or manual detailing the lab's quality control system and quality management system
  • Maintain the latest proficiency results for marijuana testing for all test areas in which the lab is certified
  • Keep samples of Certificates of Analysis for each test area

Vermont Required Tests for Cannabis Products

In Vermont, recommended laboratory cannabis tests vary by product form as listed below:

Product Form Tests Required
Topical products Potency
Cannabis Flower Pesticides, potency, pathogens, and water activity
Consumable products and tinctures Potency
Solvent-extracted concentrates Residual solvents, heavy metals, potency, and pesticides
Mechanically-extracted concentrates Pathogens and potency

How Do Vermont Marijuana Testing Labs Submit and Report Test Results?

Licensed cannabis laboratories in Vermont must report the results of cannabis tests conducted to the marijuana establishments (manufacturers, cultivators, retailers, or integrated licenses) whose marijuana products were tested. Where the final test results are non-compliant, the labs must submit the reports to the state's Cannabis Control Board (CCB) by email, putting "Actional Test Results" in the subject line.

How Much Does It Cost to Test Cannabis in Vermont?

Currently, there are no fixed costs for testing cannabis products in Vermont. A testing laboratory may charge service fees as a percentage of the value or weight of the product tested.

What Happens to Cannabis Products That Fail Lab Tests in Vermont?

In Vermont, if a cannabis product fails the required testing and is observed to be adulterated, a prompt report must be sent to the CCB regardless of the cause. Where the observed adulteration was caused by the willful use of pesticides, the testing laboratory must destroy the marijuana. However, if the cannabis was adulterated due to atmospheric drift of an adulterant or other similar natural phenomena, remediation and re-testing may be tried if authorized by the CCB guidance. Remediation and re-testing must be conducted in line with the specifications of that guidance. Re-testing must confirm that a cannabis product is safe to use before remediation is considered successful. The cannabis product must be destroyed if remedial efforts fail.

List of Cannabis Testing Labs in Vermont

  • Steep Hill Labs
  • Bia Diagnostics
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